Saturday 16 August 2014

First Room Service Robot Starts Work On The 20th August [Video]

Folks, it’s time to take a peek into the future. Better yet, it’s time to realize the future is here. A.L.O. is the first BotIr (robotic butler) to work for a major hotel brand. Hired by Aloft Hotels, the 3-foot (90 cm) tall robot was design to politely carry extra towels, breakfast and even a bottle of champagne to your room and the only tip it will modestly accept is a tweet.

California-based Cupertino’s high-tech Aloft Hotel is already popular in the industry for using the latest technology and gadgetry integrated in their facilities, so it’s no surprise they are among the first to switch from old school room service to a robot butler. The 100-pound machine comes loaded with a 7-inch (17 cm) tablet screen through which it interacts with every customer.

The R2D2-like butler also uses a 4G and WiFi connections so it can call elevators when it needs a ride. It’s able to carry up to two pounds (less than 1kg), which it will load in an empty compartment on top of the robot. Staff will then input your floor and room number on the tablet interface and up you go.

The A.L.O. Botlr is actually a refreshed version of a robot called SaviOne developed by California startup Savioke. It’s a new company, but it’s backed by Google Ventures. The butler robot will make its Aloft Hotel debut on August 20th for a pilot program. If it proves to be successful, all 100+ hotels could have one to two at their disposal.Check the video above and tell me what you think.

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